Билки, Цветя, Дървета - Материя Медика

flower essences themselves have an extremely important role. They are a
powerful catalyst that helps people heal themselves, look inward and
understand their own life plan, purpose and direction in life. They also
give them the courage and confidence to follow this plan. Illnesses,
symptoms, and emotional problems are signals that we have strayed from
our personal path. Essences help us get back on track, work on and heal
problems and imbalances in our lives. They can also thus stimulating us
to understand why these problems arose in the first place and what we
need to do to clear them up by unlocking our innate positive qualities."
(Ian White)
Through flower essences, we can overcome faulty
agreements and mental attitudes and deep-seated inner contradictions and
emotional conflicts.
Essences alter a person's fine tuning and can
be used as a primary treatment or as an adjunct to natural healing
methods (homeopathy, herbalism, acupuncture).
Bach drops are very effective as an aid in various forms of psychological therapy.
They support the functions of the endocrine glands, balance and harmonize.
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